
Jeopardy! Contestants Stumped by The Lord’s Prayer


Jeopardy! is renowned for its challenging clues that test the
sharpest minds, but a recent episode took many by surprise when
contestants stumbled on a seemingly straightforward clue related to the
Lord’s Prayer. This unexpected moment caught the attention of many
Christian viewers at home.

On June 13, host Mayim Bialik presented a $200 clue in the
“Dadjectives” category. The clue was: “Matthew 6:9 says, ‘Our Father
Which Art In Heaven,’ This ‘Be Thy Name.’” For those familiar with the
Lord’s Prayer, the correct response should have been “hallowed.”
However, all three contestants failed to provide the correct answer,
leading to a surprising reaction from the audience.

Twitter was abuzz with responses to this surprising turn of events.
Some users expressed their disbelief that none of the contestants knew
the answer, reflecting concerns about religious knowledge or faith among
Americans. Others found the situation amusing, sharing stories of young
children who easily knew the answer.

While Jeopardy! covers a wide range of topics, including Christianity
and the Bible, and contestants come from diverse backgrounds, many were
taken aback by the inability to answer such a well-known question.

Despite this slip, the contestants showed their strengths in other
areas. In the Final Jeopardy round, Suresh Krishnan correctly identified
John Travolta as the star of Grease and Saturday Night Fever, extending his winning streak to six games.

Jeopardy! continues to challenge and educate its audience with both
difficult and unexpected questions. The occasional stumble, even from
knowledgeable contestants, reminds us that everyone has their moments of
uncertainty, and the show remains a valuable platform for learning and
expanding our knowledge.



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